a love story in two languages

Category: photo challenge


While we were quietly enjoying life, fall and home cooked meals, like most of you, a lot of things happened. I found a job. Katie started going to day care. The pirates didn’t make it to the playoffs.We made plans for Christmas. We had our first halloween trick or treating. My computer broke and I went through another inspiration dry spell. And so on and so on.

Also, I stopped taking photos for the 365 project. Now, I was trying to come up with an explanation about why that happened, but it all kinda sounded like a lot of excuses, soI decided not to. I was disappointed to make it so far and not finish and I would probably give it another run sometimes in the future, but for now, I say goodbye.

While I struggle to process the photos from the past month on a computer that keeps restarting itself, here are my favorite photos from what turned out to be a 240  project :)

So much cuteness in one post, I actually had to stop a few times and take a deep breath. And also HOW did she grew up so much in such a short time!

Scroll, scroll… 38 out of 365

Being “forced” to literary count down the days of Katie’s second year, I am reminded of how quickly it all just goes by.

In the craziness of us leaving for Bulgaria for a whole month, I totally neglected my camera. When we managed to take a breath and settle in to our new routine, I realized I am missing photos for a few days, so I had to include some photos from my phone, to save the project.

Days go by quickly, when it is just me and monkey. We went out to see some friends, cooked very little and tried to leave the house in a decent state. I always get frustrated with packing for a long trip, being so afraid that I might leave something important behind. My husband on the other hand is my total opposite. He hates the actual flying part of the trip, but is very calm and efficient with packing, getting to the airport and on the plane. I don’t think he would have dropped a hundred things while trying to get everything on the line for security check or misplaced his passport and boarding card all so many times as I did. Then again, he has never travelled alone with monkey, so we’ll live to see :)

Packing a few snacks from home for our trip was a very good decision!


Another iPhone photo snuck its way in to the project. We were walking our dinner off, when Katie ran over to her cousin Gogo and held his hand, all on her own. We’ve never asked them to do this before, it was all her and I thought it is the sweetest thing. I had my camera on me, but was to afraid to miss the moment, so instead I took my phone out and snapped a few quick pictures.

That night we also taught Katie to say Gogo’s name.

Countless lazy days at the sea, I miss u so.

Early grapes from my parents’ garden.

Katie, trying figs for the first time :)

Making friends! Katie’s love for animals has only been growing. We haven’t yet seen a living creature that she is not interested in, including two flies living in our bathroom to which she says hallo and goodbye.

John, rocking a toddler on his back and the awesome sunglasses I convinced him to get.

One of my favorite photos from this past month and a half!

And the last photo I took of Katie in Bulgaria, the day before we left :(

On fight #20.

Potty training!

All geared up for SA vs NZ.

Thank you for scrolling all the way down here :)


We have had two very busy weeks and are glad to spend a few days together just the 3 of us and at home, before me and Katie have to leave for Bulgaria. I have hundreds of photos two share and I am slowly sorting through them. I was in a hurry to publish the 365 project photos, because the more I postpone them, the more difficult it is to follow their order and not get any days mixed up.

^^ first taste of boiled corn – a favorite treat from my childhood and fairly cheep to buy and easy to prepare.

^^ a kiss for daddy. Her kisses are so rare these days.

^^ the color of her eyes never stops to amaze me.

^^ Katie and Girafcho (bulgarian diminutive for Girafe – yeah, we are not super creative with toy names) chasing squirrels at the Niagara falls park. Bellow are Katie and John beneath the waterfall. This is the last picture I took with my camera before getting too close (and too wet), but I have a few from my phone, of the rainbows under the falls – the sight was breathtaking.

^^ oh yes, her hair is officially long enough for me to do this :)

^^ sleeping in our bike trailer on a long ride.